Precrime is for Winners

When it was announced a couple months ago that there was a Minority Report TV series in the works at FOX, I freaked.

And when I say that I freaked I mean, I flailed to everyone I knew...and was met with near-silence and blank stares. Minority Report is by far my favorite Spielberg film and it is vastly underrated. For the uninitiated (what are you waiting for?!), check out the trailer for the original film.

Tom Cruise in his prime, Colin Farrell being Colin Farrell, a dystopian world wrapped up in a utopian bow? WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT?! Oh, did I mention how it makes me not want to touch my eyes for a week after viewing (that bathtub scene!). It's the BEST.

Since the series recently got a full season pickup, a trailer premiered today and my keysmashing excitement can be heard worldwide.

One of the best things about this TV series is that it's actually continuing the story from the film. This isn't an origins story. It's the sequel I didn't know I needed! Thirteen years later, I'm still amazed at how well the film holds up over time. The beauty of it is how I know every beat of the story, yet I'm consistently on the edge of my seat. Will they survive? What will happen to the Precogs? Will Tom Cruise's character be reunited with his family? I have no doubt that the series will keep up the same momentum. Spielberg wouldn't have executive produced it otherwise!

Clearly, I am psyched for the series. I cannot wait to see where these new and reinvented characters go in this heart-pounding world. But most importantly, will we find out what the true purpose of the screen gloves are?! Tune in with me this Fall to find out (hopefully!).


P.S. If you love Minority Report as much as I do (or at this point have heard it), let's fangirl together! Are you looking forward to the series? Let me know in the comments!


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